Raspberry pi4 & ESP-CAM project_01
Now, my ESP-CAM comes from aliexpress.
Also, I intall unbunt 20.04 in my Raspberry Pi4 8GB.
So, decide to make my own camera server.
Raspberry Pi
-> sudo apt-get update | sudo apt-get upgrade
-> node –version
-> sudo apt-get remove node.js
-> sudo apt-get autoremove
checkout linux version of nodejs : https://nodejs.org/en/download/
-> sudo curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | sudo -E bash -
-> apt list | grep nodejs
-> sudo apt-get install nodejs
I got error about yarn.
Here is solution how to install yarn : https://lindevs.com/install-yarn-on-raspberry-pi/
-> cd
-> mkdir Documents
-> cd Documents/
-> mkdir ESP-CAM
-> cd ESP-CAM
-> yarn init (npm init)
Just Enter all configurations.
nvm : nodejs version manager
—-keep going—-
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