Raspberry Pi4 Ubuntu Server install.
For my ESP project, I want my own Server.
AWS and Google cloud need to pay for making server.
But, raspi 4 doesn’t need to care after install.
Here is image file for Raspi.
Raspberry pi Imager, it’s too slow to burn a SD card.
So, I found one program that most people recommended.
Install it, you can easily use it.
When SD card has burned,
Reconnet your SD card. And go to boot folder. (Only press cancel when warning occur)
Make a new file, and change name to “ssh”. (No Filename Extension)
Open file name “network-config” with notepad++ or any editor, and write your wifi config.
NOTEPAD : https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/
Open file name “user-data”, add 2 sentence.
Insert SD card, turn on your Raspi4, and wait about 2 minutes.
Go to your WiFi manager, and you can see ubuntu connected.
Turn off your Raspi4, and reconnect.
Open putty and connect using your wifi.
Login (ID: ubuntu, passwd: ubuntu), and reset your passwd.
Reconnect, and done.
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