Making my first curcuit
UV_LED_Blood Detector
UV_LED_Blood Detector
Raspi4 version : 20.04.3 LTS focal fossa Ubuntu Server
Raspi4 version : 20.04.3 LTS focal fossa Ubuntu Server Raspi4 type : Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB -> 64-bit aarch64 (arm64)
Raspi4 version : 20.04.3 LTS focal fossa Ubuntu Server
Situation My laptop didn’t working. So I formatted all files. And also I’m in college domitory. That stop me from using external network. Finally, I decide...
Situation After using terminus(mobile app) or something, I can’t connect to my raspi4.
making temporary user change sudo to temporary user reboot to temporary user rename olduser name to new name change home, group to new name if y...
For my ESP project, I want my own Server.
1602 Character LCD
원하는 바이트 크기보다 더 큰 것을 받았을 경우 내가 처음에 보낸 것은 가 붙어있어서 일정 크기만큼 잘린 후 버퍼에 남은 것 때문에 먹통이 되어버린 것이다.
In my college class, I use MDK v5-keil and CubeMX.
If you don’t use variables, computer regards there is nothing.
What’s ARM?
ESP_NOW Tutorials LINK
12864 128x64 OLED Module
SMTP : Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ESP32 can send google Email.
ESP32 Deep Sleep
ESP32 Interrupt and Timer
Linked List
First Period C 언어 fputc fputs fprintf(파일변수, 형식(printf와 같음)) fwrite(주소, 사이즈, 개수, 파일변수)
First Period Algorithm Arrangement Stack Queue - Circular Queue Linked List Tree
First Period PyQT with UART
ESP32 는 2개의 64bit timer 가 존재
Change CMakeList
ESP_IDF Github In this github file, you can find example folder.
Youtube Link
About ESP32
Situation I start my SmartHome project with Node-RED. I want to use ESP32 than ESP8266. But, I’m not used to using ESP32. So, I’m going to practice about ...
I want to connect to my Raspberry pi from mobile data. My college has serveral routers that I can’t approach.
Raspi4 version : 20.04.3 LTS focal fossa Ubuntu Server
Situation After using terminus(mobile app) or something, I can’t connect to my raspi4.
I want to connect to my Raspberry pi from mobile data. My college has serveral routers that I can’t approach.
Python QT self
Python file path
Raspi4 version : 20.04.3 LTS focal fossa Ubuntu Server
Situation My laptop didn’t working. So I formatted all files. And also I’m in college domitory. That stop me from using external network. Finally, I decide...
원하는 바이트 크기보다 더 큰 것을 받았을 경우 내가 처음에 보낸 것은 가 붙어있어서 일정 크기만큼 잘린 후 버퍼에 남은 것 때문에 먹통이 되어버린 것이다.
ESP32 Interrupt and Timer
What’s different?
Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend
+IPD,포트,개수:데이터 indexOf(‘:’) + 1 -> 데이터 위치 읽기 substring 문자열 자르기 문자열.trim() // 앞 뒤 공백 제거
First Period C 언어 fputc fputs fprintf(파일변수, 형식(printf와 같음)) fwrite(주소, 사이즈, 개수, 파일변수)
Situation After using terminus(mobile app) or something, I can’t connect to my raspi4.
Raspi4 version : 20.04.3 LTS focal fossa Ubuntu Server Raspi4 type : Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB -> 64-bit aarch64 (arm64)
If you don’t use variables, computer regards there is nothing.
In my college class, I use MDK v5-keil and CubeMX.
First Period PyQT with UART
First Period PyQT with UART
First Period Algorithm Arrangement Stack Queue - Circular Queue Linked List Tree
ESP32 Deep Sleep
ESP12S Curcuit
SMTP : Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ESP32 can send google Email.
12864 128x64 OLED Module
Micro Controller MCU : Micro Controller Unit MCU = CPU + Memory Compile - 변역 Fusing - Download RAM(휘발성) - 변수 ROM(비휘발성) - 코드
Stack 후위법(posfit) :연산자를 뒤로 보내는 방법 90/(2*3)+(20-10) -> ?? 90 2 3 * / 20 10 - + push(), pop() 스택 사이즈 10개 int top = -1; void push(int* array, int num){ ...
CH340K Download LINK
ESP_NOW Tutorials LINK
1602 Character LCD